Autor: Mihai Palsu

Mihai Pâlșu are o experienta de peste 34 de ani in jurnalism. Și-a început activitatea în perioada de pionierat a presei scrise postdecembriste. În 1990, a debutat ca jurnalist de investigații în echipa lui Ion Cristoiu, la săptămânalele ZIG ZAG și EXPRES MAGAZIN. Din iunie 1992, a făcut parte din prima echipă a cotidianului-fenomen Evenimentului Zilei - „Bulina roșie”, care avea un tiraj-record de 850.000 de exemplare/zi. Odată cu înființarea ediției de prânz a EVZ - cunoscută ca „Bulina albastră”, a devenit redactor-șef al acesteia. Din septembrie 1994 și până în ianuarie 2010 a activat la cotidianul ZIUA, mai întâi ca redactor-șef adjunct. A înființat edițiile locale ale cotidianului ZIUA și a condus, ca redactor-șef, două reviste: ZIUA MAGAZIN și ZIUA AUTO. Din 2008, a devenit director general la Holdingul ZIUA și a manageriat ziarul ZIUA fără sprijin financiar din partea proprietarilor. Ulterior, a fost director la cotidianul PUTEREA, până în noiembrie 2015, când a înființat ziarul online SECUNDA. În paralel, a fost realizator TV la NasulTV, timp de trei ani. Ca jurnalist, a realizat peste 300 de anchete, unele dintre ele având ca efect public demiterea sau demisia unor importanți șefi de companii și instituții de stat - TAROM, Aeroportul Otopeni, ANAF, CEC etc. O parte din ancheta EADES a fost preluată și de jurnaliștii din Germania.

Președintele Turciei, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, pulverizează cu bocancii democrația. Prin deciziile furibunde luate împotriva celor care nu i se supun orbește, Erdogan se comportă precum sângerosul dictator Stalin. Aseară a instaurat starea de urgență, arătând că acest lucru le va permite autorităților să acționeze mai rapid și mai eficient în a-i aduce în fața justiției pe cei responsabili de lovitura de stat militară eșuată. Iar de astăzi, a suspendat Convenția Europeană privind Drepturile Omului. Următorul pas: reintroducerea pedepsei cu moartea – pofta Sultanului Erdogan. Erdogan are toată puterea Asta înseamnă că Poliția turcă poate face percheziții fără mandat, continuând seria arestărilor care au ajus…

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“When we stop asking questions we will disappear as humans. We will be cyborgs!” – Mihai Pâlșu, 10 december 2014 On 10 December 2014 we have published the first episode of the EADS Fraud Scheme saga, in the national daily PUTEREA. Since then, we have published 7 more episodes and two „replicas” also in the online daily SECUNDA. In the first episode we have presented a simplified scheme and in the 3rd episode a detailed scheme that clearly shows what persons in high positions – as well as their role – were involved in the EADS FRAUD SCHEME. We talk…

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“When we stop asking questions we will disappear as humans. We will be cyborgs!” – Mihai Pâlșu, 10 december 2014 An AFP news has gone around the world: the prosecutors of Munich Prosecution Office raided the branches of „Airbus Defence and Space” Group – the name under which EADS was reorganized. Why? The German magistrates were informed that corruption acts were committed in Romania and Saudi Arabia. What amounts were defrauded? About 3 billion Euros, in businesses with equipments and services that ensure border security. Where did the prosecutors raided? At the German branch offices of „Airbus Defence and Space”. A…

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“When we stop asking questions we will disappear as humans. We will be cyborgs!” – Mihai Pâlșu, 10 december 2014  Only four days before the end of 2006, at 9.44 GMT, the famous BBC transmitted the news: “The prosecutors of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) decided Not to Prosecute (NUP-NPA)  the officers involved in signing the contract with the company EADS regarding the implementation of the integrated system for the state borders of Romania.” Daniel Morar gave NUP (non-prosecution) in the EADS file But what didn’t BBC mention in the brief news governed by a NUP as big as the whole…

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“When we stop asking questions we will disappear as humans. We will be cyborgs!” – Mihai Pâlșu, 10 december 2014 On the 10th of December 2014 I published the first episode of the EADS Fraud Scheme, and on the 10th of February 2015 I offered you the second episode. In the first episode I presented the reduced scheme of the EADS fraud, the connections between the crooks and the governmental decision makers, while in the second episode I showed how famous BBC journalists remained perplexed when they found out that the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), conducted by Daniel Morar, gave a…

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“When we stop asking questions we will disappear as humans. We will be cyborgs!” – Mihai Pâlșu, 10 december 2014 Special dedication to Ion Ţiriac, the one who mystifies the reality, although he boasts with the friendship with Lagardère and Zetche In order to understand why it is so hard to complete, in its plenitude, the penal file EADS FRAUD, opened by DNA and instrumented by the prosecutor Mihaela Moraru Iorga, I am offering you some facts and names related to the tumultuous life of the French-German-Spanish conglomerate which had over 45 billion EUR collections in 2007 – as Romania’s budget…

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“When we stop asking questions we will disappear as humans. We will be cyborgs!” – Mihai Pâlșu, 10 december 2014 Dr. Federico Bordonaro via INS Zurich presents the hideous face of the geopolitical mélange in which Romania pays the broken pots The International Relations and Security Network – ISN is a platform maintained by the Center for Security Studies (CSS) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich). So, ISN is a name in the world of international security and it is considered one of the most important open access information services in the world, both for professionals and for…

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“When we stop asking questions we will disappear as humans. We will be cyborgs!” – Mihai Pâlșu, 10 december 2014 In Episode 2, dedicated to the EADS Fraud, we showed how “throughout the negotiations, the artisan of the links and connections between EADS and the MAI generals was a certain gentleman Cătălin Cedric Ghigea (…). At the time of negotiating the contract, Cătălin Ghigea was the manager of Midocar Consulting and EADS consultant. After signing the contract, Ghigea was appointed head of EADS Romania and later Vice-president of EADS GmbH”. Maybe that also explains the lamentable way in which the MAI…

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  “When we stop asking questions we will disappear as humans. We will be cyborgs!” – Mihai Pâlșu, 10 december 2014 Internal NOTE of MAI (Interior Ministry) which proves the “white collars” conspiracy that robbed the public money. Today, I am presenting EXCLUSIVELY a NOTE based on the Romanian and UE legislation, document drawn by the MAI lawyers, which stood prominently on the desk of the Interior Minister, Vasile Blaga. I repeat, the NOTE was drawn by the MAI lawyers, who offered additional legal explanations to Blaga! The MAI NOTE proves that the ex-Minister Blaga lies when he says that nothing more…

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